Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Senior Corps Week Celebration

#SeniorCorpsWorks  #IamSeniorCorps

This year, Senior Corps Week was May 18-22.  This is a time to celebrate those who volunteer for the Foster Grandparent Program, RSVP and the Senior Companion Program.  I was excited to have been asked to be a part of the program, sharing my story (and a few songs) to the Foster Grandparent/Senior Companion volunteers from Osceola, Lyon, Dickinson, Sioux, O'Brien, Plymouth, Woodbury and Monona counties in Iowa.

Foster Grandparents are mentors, role models and friends to children with exceptional needs.
Senior Companions provide friendship and assistance to adults who wish to stay independent in their homes, like running errands or providing respite for caregivers.

Let me tell you, this experience was amazing!  I started the day as a guest speaker.  I told the attendees a little about myself, my experiences as Mrs. Iowa International and volunteering.  These folks spend a minimum of 15 hours a week volunteering for their respective programs, so they have their 50 in no time!  In fact, I presented special Presidential awards to those who have volunteered over 4,000 hours!  4,000 hours!  That's phenomenal!

Now, I also sang a few songs for entertainment.  I have to give a shout-out to the table of ladies who were dancing in their chairs and singing along to 'These Boots Are Made for Walkin'--You Rock!  So much fun. :)

The best part of the day, though, was hearing the stories from the volunteers.  I heard about the children they helped, how some of them did not have grandparents of their own.  I heard about how spending time with these adult clients and children were their reason for getting out of bed or off the couch each day.  I heard about the hugs, the laughter and the tears.

And it warmed my heart.  It made me smile.

This is what it's all about.  These folks are the change and the light.  And I was fortunate enough to experience their shine.

Cathy, Angela and Staff--thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your day.  It was lovely (and the lasagna was good too)!

For more information on these programs, check out: (Rock Valley Rotary Club, Iowa) (National)

Senior Corps Pledge
 I will get things done for America – to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier.
 When faced with a pressing challenge, I will bring Americans of all generations together to strengthen our communities.
 When faced with children at risk, I will help them stay in school and on track for a brighter future.
 When faced with older adults in need, I will provide support and compassion so they may age with grace and dignity.
 Working for the greatest good, I will use my lifetime of experiences to improve my country, my community, and myself through service.
 I am a Senior Corps (RSVP, Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion) volunteer, and I will get things done.


Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer


Mrs. Iowa International 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why Mrs. International?

Why Mrs. International?  Why pageantry?  Why now?  A lot of my friends and family have asked why I'm doing this...So without further adieu...

I first heard about the International Pageant system about 6 years ago.  I was volunteering for a fundraiser for CAASA (Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault) with the past Mrs. titleholder.  Having always been intrigued by pageantry but never participated, I asked her about her experience.  Everything that she had to say about the system was positive.  She really emphasized that it was service-oriented and there was not a swimsuit portion.  She had really gained a lot from her time as Mrs. Iowa International and her enthusiasm struck a chord with me.  But I felt that I could never be a titleholder--I was not in shape, had no experience and it just seemed so far out of reach.

After going through a correction in my heart's electrical system (2007) and a bout of depression that left me feeling ugly and unworthy, I had made a conscious effort to get my health back on track, emotionally and physically (more about that in another post).  By the time 2014 rolled around, I was at a better point.  And International Pageants was still in the back of my mind.  Could I be a good titleholder?

That year, my daughter was set to compete in a local pageant and they just happened to open up a Mrs. category.  This was my chance to test the waters--would I sink or swim?  I had been helping with our county fair's Queen contest for a few years now and thought I had a good idea of what it might take--and it ended up being that I could swim!  I placed first and had such a wonderful time!  I was teeming with confidence and contacted the National Director, Mary Richardson.  She answered my questions and along with my uber-supportive co-worker, Rhonda, encouraged me to submit an application.  And so I did.  The rest is history.

So again, why Mrs. International?  First of all, I don't think there is an age limit on having dreams.  You can be a role model at any age!  Secondly, I love the fact that Mrs. International is based on celebrating the achievements of married women.  They fully support families and I try to include my family in as many appearances as I can.  My husband gets to escort me on stage at Nationals!

Here's what I bring to the table.  My platform, or cause, that I am promoting as Mrs. Iowa International is Volunteerism.  Being engaged in your community/state/world is something that I always have been and will continue to be whether I am named Mrs. International or not.  I firmly believe that people are our biggest assets and together we can work to strengthen the places we live.  International Pageant's National Platform is Go Red for Women (American Heart Association).  As someone who had been diagnosed with a heart condition, and have made changes to help enhance my life and heart health, I feel that I would be a good representative for the job.  I have so much to offer and I think that Mrs. International is the opportunity to promote a servant heart on a larger stage.  Being able to represent my state as Mrs. Iowa International 2015 is an honor and privilege!

To find out more about International Pageants, visit

Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer



Monday, May 18, 2015

Putting One Foot in Front of the Other #Race4Souls

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

My family and I recently returned from Lincoln, NE, where we participated in the #Race4Souls, a 5K race benefitting Soles 4 Souls, put on by the amazing Mrs. International, Maggi Thorne.  It was our first race of the season and short of a few raindrops, the weather was great!

The whole family participated in this one--my husband ran for time and I ran/walked/carried my children at a little slower pace.  :)  Slower pace is my style...and I'm ok with that.

A few years ago, if you would've asked me about being in a race, I would have laughed in your face. About the only running I did was to the refrigerator and it showed.  I was never a runner and not built that way.  But I had gone through a rough patch in my life and I felt out of control.  In an effort to breathe some new life into myself, I decided to try something that I had never done I signed up for my first 5K.  I knew that setting goals was important, so the goal I set for myself was simply, don't get last place.  I walked a majority of the way and was happy to clock in at a little after 45 minutes...I narrowly accomplished my crossing the finish line just before a man walking his dog.  It's ok to laugh--I laughed too.  Not too bad for my first "race."

A few months later (and a few pounds heavier), I decided to make more physical movement a priority in my life. Seriously this time.  I thought about what I wanted to do.  I wanted to be a part of an activity that my husband and I could do together and with our kids. I had tried Zumba and loved it, but my husband quickly shot me down on that one (sadly, he didn't know what he was missing). So I came back to running, since that was familiar to him.  I thought maybe we could do another race.

I joined my local YMCA and started to attend fitness classes and run.  Slowly but surely, I was able to do a mile without stopping.  I was ecstatic.  This progress kept me motivated.  Then I could do two--that was a huge accomplishment for me!  And it took time.  I was slower than a herd of turtles in peanut butter (I love that saying), but I kept on.

It would be the end of May 2013 when I decided it was time to see how I would do.  The opportunity to do this new race called 'The Glow Run' came up and it sounded like it was something straight up my alley.  It ended up being un-timed, but we had fun (in spite of my feet burning; note--this is where I learned that properly fitting shoes are very important).  And who knew that tutus were the secret weapon?  :)

I did a few more races that year, all with times in the mid to high 30's--still faster that my first year.  WIN!

I continued to go to the gym on a more regular basis--and took the next year's races by storm.  I was even starting to learn the running lingo and was excited to say that my first race of the season was a PR (personal record).  I even took 3rd place in my age division later that summer!  Ok, to be fair, there weren't that many in my age division (30-39), but it still felt great!

I've continued to improve my times since then and husband has improved his as well.  Last year we took the children to two races.  Our pace was not very speedy but we all crossed the finish line together!  I have even joined a social media group of ladies who enjoy doing 5K's just as much as I do.  We're a community of fun and support!  Which brings us to our first completed race of the season, Race4Souls!  I'm really excited to see how this year shapes up--and for the first time, I can say that I am happy and amazed with myself, my body and what it is capable of doing!

Parting thoughts:
1)  You're not fast, can you call yourself a runner?  You bet!  No matter what speed, if you run, you are a runner.
2)  If you want to try a race, get out there and try it!  There are plenty of races that include people of all ages and abilities.  Use that first experience to set the benchmark goal you need to beat next time. And ask your friends to join you!
3)  Set small goals--you will feel amazing when you achieve them and stay motivated.
4)  Running is a super-supportive community--no matter where you go, runners cheer each other on or say hello.
5)  Someone will always be faster.  Fact.
6)  You will really start to put more thought into your shoes.
7)  A lot of races have a charity component.  Have fun running and supporting a good cause!

Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer



Wednesday, May 13, 2015

For Those Who've Made it Possible...


I want to take time to express my gratitude to those who have made it possible for me to be your Mrs. Iowa International 2015.  They say it takes a village and they are certainly correct!

To The Farmer's Bank of Spencer--You are a leader when it comes to service in the workplace.  By actively supporting your employees' charitable endeavors, you create the culture of service and improve your community.  You truly care about Spencer being the best it can be and make it possible for so many individuals and non-profits to reach for the stars. Thank you for partnering with me in promoting volunteerism not only in Spencer, but throughout the state.

To Rhonda Olson--We did it, Mama!  :)  You were my encouragement from day one.  And for that, I want to Thank You!  You gave me that final push of confidence when I submitted my application and have never stopped supporting me.  I love sharing about my appearances and photos with you and you are always ready with a hug when I need it.  I am so fortunate to have you as a friend.

To Solutions Inc, State Bank (Spencer), Community State Bank (Spencer) and Anji Bennett--I am thankful for your support in sponsoring and designing my official program book ad.  I couldn't have done it without your contributions and am grateful.  I can't wait to see how it turns out!

To Quattlebaum Photography--Your images are gorgeous!  Thank you for being my photographer and creating my beautiful head shots!  Theone, you are so much fun to work with and Jason, you make the images just come alive!  My photos look so regal and professional, I can't wait to see them in the program book and to share them at autograph sessions!

To Deb Mechler--I really enjoy and appreciate our time together!  You give me a lot to think about and I appreciate being able to share my triumphs and challenges with you.  I know that the Lord has put me on this journey for a reason and that you were meant to be a part of it.  You have my shining endorsement!  :)

To Anji Bennett--Thank you for your artistic vision and expertise.  I am thankful to have a kind and talented friend like you!

To Gary & Kathy Brees, The Pick Family and other Family and Friends--I genuinely appreciate your contributions to my goal.  Your kindness and generosity are valued and will not be forgotten.

To Be Continued...

Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer



Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What's Your 50?

If I asked you what your 50 was, would you know how to respond?  What is '50' and why is it significant?

"What's Your 50" is an Iowa initiative asking it's residents to think about how many hours they spend a year volunteering.  So why is 50 important?

50 is the number of hours annually that has been shown to have the most impact not only on the entity that the volunteer is assisting, but also the volunteer themselves.  Those that reach this point start to reap health benefits (lower depression and mortality, etc) and are more likely to keep volunteering.  The benefit of this is two-fold--increasing Iowa's health (Governor's Healthiest State Initiative) and harnessing the power of Iowa's greatest asset--the people--to make our communities better.  When you give the gift of your time to your community, you become invested in it.  You want to see it succeed!

Currently, Iowans spend a little over 34 hours volunteering a year.  Let's strive for 50!  To break it down, that's less than an hour a week!  Just think what could happen if we all turned our passion to purpose and gave just a little more!

My platform as Mrs. Iowa International is Volunteerism.  While 'What's Your 50?' is an Iowa campaign, it's principles can certainly apply to any state or country. Volunteering is something that is close to my heart and I want others to experience the same rewarding joy that it has brought me.  I have been using social media to highlight different volunteer opportunities that are out there--not everyone has the same gifts or purpose, so I want to showcase a wide variety of ways to be involved (I am only one person and not superhuman, so I also want to highlight volunteer clearinghouses that are so helpful in matching people to a need--my local organization is the Volunteer Network of Clay County).

For more information, check out:

Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer



Monday, May 11, 2015

An Intro

"Sparkles and Songs..."  Why that?  What does that mean?

Quite frankly, as I was 'auditioning' blog names, my 3-year-old daughter, who was sitting next to me, decided to 'help' me type--do you sense I like finger-quotes here--and hit a few crucial keys, saving me that name.  It might not be the catchiest, but it does pretty much sum up a lot of what this blog may be about.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Jill Barr.  This year, I have the honor and privilege of representing the Hawkeye State as Mrs. Iowa International 2015 (hence the sparkles).  I also am a vocalist, and sing whenever I get the chance (hence the songs).  I am also an Aries, love movie quotes and enjoy long walks on the beach.

Ok, so that last part is cliche (except for the movie quotes, of course), but I can't give away everything in one post!  You'll have the opportunity to find out more about me along the way...

Be the Change.  Be the Light.  #ServeLoveVolunteer

